My friend Kase recently commented on my blog that Jeremiah didn't have a mega-church, yet he was walking in Gods will. I happen to be reading Jeremiah right now in my devotions, so I thought I would make a comment on that. Kase is 100% right! Jeremiah's ministry was not that of a pastor. He was a prophet. As such, though he was beaten, imprisoned, put in a cistern of mud...he never gave up on his call, even when he wanted to. He did however influence the king. He did make God's case before all the important people of his time in his region. He stood up for God's message when that message was not popular. The message that we pastors in the United States of America have is not always popular either. It isn't often that we are beaten or imprisoned like Jeremiah though. We are called to risk everything for our Lord, and we can't do that unless, like my previous post alluded to, we are CRAZY IN LOVE WITH JESUS!!!!
On a completely different note, if you haven't checked out Kase's new blog, you are missing out on some very well thought out posts on faith!
hi Home
9 years ago
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