Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Desert Times/Transition Times

I was just thinking about Moses wandering in the desert. I have heard pastors say they feel like such and such a time was their time in the desert. So lets look at the bright side of desert wandering. Look at the desert as the transition time between where they were, Egypt, and where they would end up, Israel/The Promised Land. It took some work to get the people out of Egypt! Remember the plagues?! Then, as Moses and the people of Israel are out in the desert, there are those church members (Oops, I mean Israelite people) who want to go back to the way things used to be. However, even in the desert, some of the greatest experiences took place! God gave Moses the 10 Commandments in the desert, not in Egypt or the Promised Land! Please, as a pastor don't take this example to far and think (((Great, so my job is to lead through the desert, and then God is going to need someone else to take my congregation to their promised land.))) However, It probably does mean that you will need to make changes in your leadership style! Doing things they way they have always been done tends to give you the same results you have been getting...or worse, not better. Just remember in any change out of Egypt, there is some transitioning desert time of struggle and complaining before you get to the Promised Land. Where ever you are in this journey, praise the Lord that He is allowing you to lead a group of people there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Burl... Thanks for reminding us about this important event in the history of Israel. The Exodus of the Israelites is an amazing topic... perhaps THE most significant and important lesson of the Bible, if you take the Bible as your queue that is... The Exodus is mentioned over 500 times throughout the scriptures and in at least 24 of the 66 books of the Bible INCLUDING the book of Genesis, believe it or not, (Gen 15:13-14). Surely there must be an overwhelming plethora of lessons we could derive from this one event... maybe even a lifetime of studies, holding lessons of salvation and spiritual maturity we would all do well to study. Thanks Burl for reminding us about this important event!