Thursday, March 5, 2009

Easter Egg Drop

In case you read this blog, and not my Home TEAM blog, I want you to be in prayer for our April 4th Easter Egg Drop. It will be a huge event for our church. (If you don't know about it, we are dropping a bunch of plastic eggs onto the soccer fields at the J.B. "Red" Owens fields in Easley, SC on April 4th between 3 and 6 PM.) We need volunteers! If you can come help either before that date or on that date, your help would be greatly appreciated. We currently have about 100,000 eggs that need to have a piece of candy put in each one, and then the seam taped so that the egg doesn't come apart when dropped. Please pray for me, as I am the one putting it together. There is much more to "Event Planning" than I ever dreamed possible. Here is a link to the sign up sheet: We will be passing them out in church, but feel free to download it and hand it in to Ann or Burl on Sunday at 5 Point Fellowship. It is going to be a great time!

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