In life, we often have many options to choose from. The cereal isle in the grocery store for instance. However, in our view of Jesus Christ, there are only two options. Many people seem to want to say that he was a good man, or a great teacher or a myriad of other things, but they don't have that option. Jesus was one of two things. He was either God like He claimed, or he was the craziest lunatic to walk the planet. There are many people today in insane asylums that claim to be God. They however don't make the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, feed thousands with a few loaves and fish...They don't let themselves be killed and then come back from the dead to be witnessed by hundreds of people! I choose to believe that Jesus is exactly who He says He is: God! I also understand that I do this on faith and that not everyone shares my faith. Taking Jesus half-way as just a good man isn't an option though...only full time commitment is allowed...each of us commits one way or the other. Savior or deranged insane one. Take your choice.
Well said Burl... I was recently reading in Jeremiah the anger God felt towards his own people who were following Him in PRETENSE only! (Jeremiah 3:10). It occurred to me that such is the state of much of the Church in the US today, as evidenced by how many "so called" Christians voted for a man who clearly has the "spirit of the anti-Christ" and has proved as much with recent statements to foreign leaders, denying and betraying the heritage and foundations of our Christian nation as well as past actions that have led him to have appropriately obtained the title of "The Abortion President"! How a Bible believing Christian can be a co-participant in as much, befuddles my feeble mind. Pretense only... "In spite of all this, her unfaithful sister Judah did not return to me with all her heart, but only in pretense," declares the LORD.
But then don't get me started, I'd hate to cause a stir on your blog.
The Place
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