This last weekend, the staff of my church went to Asheville for a retreat. Some of the questions we went over are worth posting on here for those who aren't on staff at
5 Point Fellowship who read this blog.
1. What questions do I need to be asking?
2. Is there anything that I need to be dealing with that I am trying to deny? (Sin, lack of ability, conflict...)
3. Am I broken over the state of our community?
4. Am I leading with pure motives?
5. As a leader, do I understand my position?
6. Am I prepared to share the vision? (Do you know the vision of your church? Can you share it?)
7. Do I really expect everyone to be excited about this vision?
8. Am I willing to fight for it(The vision of the church)?
There were many more questions, but these were some I thought my readers might find applicable no matter what church you are serving in.