Saturday, February 28, 2009


Is marketing a bad term when it comes to the church? I don't think so. It does depend on what we are marketing. Are we trying to just make a big name for ourselves, or are we making a big name for Jesus? If the former is true, then you may as well just join any club and make a name for yourself. If the latter is true, then we should be shouting from the rooftops that Jesus is Lord! Advertising and Marketing can be as simple as telling a friend about Jesus over coffee. No matter how technologically advanced our world gets, it still takes one on one interaction with people most of the time to lead someone to Jesus! If computers could do it, the whole world would have been won for Christ by now. We must be His marketers here on earth. As we go and make disciples we are helping people become more like Christ. That makes Christian our brand name, our tribe, our corporate identity. Have fun marketing!

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