Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Excitement of New Believers!

This weekend at 5 Point Fellowship we had 7 people that I counted, and our pastor said 8 people in staff meeting that gave their hearts to Jesus Christ on Sunday morning! Either way there is a party going on in heaven! Sunday night, I taught the New Believers Class. It is incredible to hear their testimonies of HOW God reached down into their lives and caused their hearts to turn to HIM! New life is contagious! New believers are incredible witnesses! Like the blind man who Jesus healed in John chapter 9, they don't have to know all the right theology, but tell everyone, "One thing I do know, I was blind but now I see!"(John 9:25). In our congregation we have so many people that can say, "I was a druggie, but now I am clean!" or "I was a sex addict, and now God has made me whole!" or "I really screwed up my life in this or that way, but now God has cleaned me up!" It is great to see God working in people's lives and then seeing them get so excited about it that they want to tell everyone they know! Sometimes, those of us who have been Christians for years have to so intentionally go out to find people to witness to because all our friends are Christians. New believers don't have that problem. They still know lots and lots of sinners! And they are thrilled to attack hell with a water pistol and go tell those friends all about the brand new relationship with Jesus Christ that they have discovered! This isn't much of a teaching blog, but I wanted to share the excitement of this week with you. Thanks for reading.

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