This morning, I was reading in Acts and some verses in Chapter 14 just leaped off the page at me. In verses 8-10 we see a crippled man listening to Paul preach. "Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed and called out 'Stand up on your feet!' At that the man jumped up and began to walk". I have seen God move in mighty ways in healing and I am always thrilled to see God move in miraculous ways! The part that did the "leaping" was that Paul looked at him and SAW that he had faith to be healed. I realized that I have no clue what that is like! If I look out at the congregation at my own church, would I know that someone has the faith to be healed? Do we relegate that kind of activity to the hyper-pentecostal fringe? I believe that God is still doing marvelous works in the world! I pray that He will not let me put Him in a little box! Please pray with me that God will move on this generation in a miraculous powerful way that goes so far beyond sciences ability to understand that only God can be given the credit!
1 comment:
I feel I have experienced something similar... I once looked at a shopkeeper in Philadelphia and could "see" that she was open to a presentation of the Gospel. However when I tried to share with her she seemed closed to what I had to say... I was with a Christian brother who did not immediately recognized what was going on but when he caught on and began sharing his faith with the woman, the voice of God said to me... "Just be quiet and pray". Amazingly it turns out that his life's story had remarkable similarities to the shopkeepers right up until a point where he chose to follow Christ... she chose not to. In minutes she was in tears, responding to the topics he was sharing. In the meanwhile... I was praying for no one to come into the shop and disrupt what God was clearly doing in this woman's heart... I was silently praying and watching potential shoppers open the door step into the doorway and as I prayed they literally pivoted around and out of the store. It was truly amazing... The Gospel was never intended to be accepted on blind faith... following Jesus begins with faith... after that comes the proof... proof after proof after proof... and I am not talking about praying for an empty parking spot in front of the bank... Jesus still proves to us today that He is alive!
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