Is it ok to have a Bible study at the home of a dating couple who are living together? What if they are both male? Or have a porn collection in the living room? Before I go on, it is only fair to let you know that the couple doesn’t yet know Jesus as their savior. This hypothetical couple is not “living in sin” as we church folk might be quick to say, they are still completely lost souls heading to hell. The fact that they are engaged in activities that are counter to what the Bible tells us is appropriate, is normal. Yes, normal. Sinners tend to sin and some do it very well! God calls us to go unto all the world and preach the gospel. He calls us to be fishers of men. The good news is that He doesn’t command us to actually catch the fish/men, nor does He expect us to clean them. Back to my starting point. The unsaved couple who exhibit signs of sin need Jesus and many won’t darken the doorstep of a church. WE must go unto THEM and share Jesus. Have fun fishing! Oh, and while I am on the topic, there are many kinds of bait out there. (Stealing an idea from
Dean) It doesn’t matter what kind of bait you use, (within reason), what matters is that Jesus Christ is changing lives through us as individuals and through our church. Rockin churches will catch one kind of fish, while traditional churches will catch another kind, Cowboy churches another, and Biker Churches yet another…Each are fishing.
1 comment:
My friend says that when non-Christian coworkers ask him if he judges them for (fill in the blank: cussing, drinking, adultery, stealing, etc.) he tells them that he doesn't - and that he is surprised they don;t do more of it. His reasoning is that if you don't believe anything about God and Sin and Judgment, why not drink more, steal more, do more drugs, etc.? And if you do believe in God and Sin and Judgment, you must figure you're going to hell, so why not make it as enjoyable as possible before facing eternal torment?
An intersting conversation starter, i think...
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