Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obama and the Church.

This really isn't a political blog despite the title. I was just reading an article about Obama's plans for after he takes office next week. It struck me that whether you agree with him or not politically or economically, his plans are ambitious! We as church leaders can learn from that. When people look back on us in history, will they say, "That generation played it safe and accomplished nothing for the Lord." or will they say, "That generation took amazingly ambitious risks, dreamed big, and with God's help made incredible gains for God's kingdom." I trust it will be the latter. Sometimes we will make mistakes, but it is better to try and fail than to never accomplish anything. Even things as simple as sharing your faith with a coworker involve a certain amount of risk. We must try! Even if we "fail" they have at least been given the oportunity to know that Jesus loves them. Have a wonderful day, and learn something from Obama...take a risk!

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