Thursday, July 31, 2008
Pornography Addiction Recovery
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The Body
Monday, July 28, 2008
Building on the Rock
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Prayer Teams
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Overcoming Fear
Monday, July 21, 2008
Over and over I have seen churches that practice giving to ministries, missions, and denominations beyond their walls blessed by God in miraculous ways! I have also seen churches who claim not to have a big enough budget to be able to help support other ministries struggle year after year just to meet the bills and keep the doors of the church open. “God loves a cheerful giver” goes beyond the individual level. If your church is not supporting missions or any ministry beyond itself and you feel like it is in a constant struggle to meet the bills, I encourage you to put this idea to a test. Trust God, give generously, and see how our Awesome Omnipotent God will pour out His blessings on your ministry.
Friday, July 18, 2008
My own thoughts...
Now you are thinking, why is this guy sharing this personal stuff on a blog for church leaders? The point that I hope is made is that when we involve people in leadership or in an area of ministry, even if we don’t see every quality we are looking for in that person, God can do amazing things in their lives as they step up to that next level in their own personal areas of ministry. The old church saying is true, “God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.”
Thursday, July 17, 2008
After the First Three Years...
Taking another quote from Barna, in Evangelism That Works he wrote, “A church that strives to evangelize its community without saturating its efforts in prayer is like a race-car driver that jumps into his car at the starting line and discovers that the tank has not been filled with gasoline.” Not only should the pastor be in prayer for the souls of his community, but if he is to be successful, he will enlist those from his church that he can to pray earnestly with him as well. With the ease of blogs and e-mails, a weekly prayer list sent out to a prayer team is not a difficult task.
Once the prayer support is in place, modeling sharing the gospel with the lost is important. The easiest way is just to share one’s own testimony. What was I like before Christ? How did I meet Him? How has my life changed since? There are many approaches to evangelism, and many of them work. I think we can agree that there is no perfect system, but any of them is better than never opening one’s mouth to share Jesus with someone who is lost and going to hell! Perry Noble said that “50,000 people die every single day without knowing Jesus Christ.” Statistics like that should be motivating!
My last suggestion is to reconnect with the community. After a few years, the average Christian no longer has unsaved friends or has very few of them. We need to constantly cultivate new friendships outside our Christian community. Run for school board or city council, even if you don’t win, you get a chance to talk to a lot of people in the campaign process. The church could plan events that reach out to the community that aren’t churchy. While doing those things, the fact that the whole process was bathed in prayer from the beginning will help those involved keep the focus on evangelism.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Going Somewhere?
1. If you don’t already have a concrete vision for your church, get on your knees in prayer until you do.
2. Share that vision often with your church. As a Spanish teacher, I know that repetition is very important to get the average student to learn something. The same goes for teaching in the church.
3. Make sure the staff and leaders in your church know and share that vision and can share it with the people they are working with.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
America's Next Top Pastor
Why a Pastor of Discipleship?
In the church realm, the senior pastor is often looked to in order to provide leadership and participation in all areas of ministry. When the church has 50 people, the pastor very well may also be the janitor, chair setter upper, secretary, youth pastor, counselor, worship leader and many more things that could be listed but would take up a volume in and of itself.
The point of this note is that many churches, after hiring a youth pastor and music minister do not know where to go next. I would like to suggest that a Pastor of discipleship is an important early addition to the church staff.
What would he do? His job description would be to help church members grow in their commitment, competence, character and conviction as they seek to move toward spiritual maturity. Unless church members are capable of becoming leaders themselves, the senior pastor will be continually overworked and in need of more hands. The Pastor of Discipleship would allow the Senior Pastor to delegate much of the workload that is expected of him in regards to teaching Christians to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. When the core congregation can be described as people who disciple others, who have a kingdom vision – showing God’s heart for people outside the church, who see new believers as a great chance to watch God in action and help mentor them, who use their spiritual gifts effectively, who’s character is self sacrificing and Godly, and who see worth in every individual, then the church will continue to grow even when the Senior Pastor leaves or the church has grown beyond the size that he can be a direct influence on each congregation member. The Pastor of Discipleship could be responsible for small group studies and other Bible study groups sponsored by the church. He could be responsible for writing or obtaining discipleship curriculum for specific groups as the need arises. (Example: something written specifically for the single’s ministry.) He could also be a director of ministries within the church leading the lay ministers in caring for new believers, men’s/women’s ministries, prayer ministries, etc.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Laity Unleashed
The Church is made up of many parts. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 12:12 “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all of its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.” (NIV) In the ministry of the church there seem to be many areas that are all too often left up to the senior pastor or to a few paid staff members. Some of them are the duty of the pastor, but many can be shared by the laity which is why I called this note “Laity Unleashed”. In case you are thinking that all a pastor has to do is get up and speak on Sunday mornings for a few minutes, here is a short list of duties that a pastor often is expected to do.
Pastoral Care
Personal Evangelism
Building Campaigns
Goal Setting
Church Meetings
Future Planning
Staff Leadership
The list above only includes what are normally seen as “pastoral duties” and doesn’t even touch the many other areas of ministry of a church. If the body of Christ is to work as a functioning unit, the head cannot do all the work of the body. While most pastors would probably not want to give up the preaching part of their job, most would gladly set aside other areas if they felt that the laity of the church would pick up those areas and competently work to see them carried out with excellence! If you are sitting in the pew on Sunday morning just wishing someone would ask you to get involved, be a little proactive and ask where you can be of service wherever you worship.
Other areas of ministry include but are not limited to:
Support Groups
Small Groups/Home Groups
Men’s/Women’s Ministry
New Member’s Class
Missions -local/statewide/ national/international
Special Events – Movie nights/Halloween etc.
One on one discipling
In no way is this to be viewed as a complete list, but one can quickly see that there are needs in any church for many people in the laity to be involved. I just want to encourage you to find a place in your church wherever God is leading you. As a Christian, we don’t have the option to just take up space. God made each of us differently, but He enabled each of us to be a part of the body of Christ. As we see from scripture, even the churches Paul planted weren’t perfect, but we as part of the body should strive toward perfection and not allow our pastors to throw their up their hands in desperation when they realize that they cannot do it all themselves. Have an awesome day!
The Incredible Shrinking Church
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A Cure for Discouragement
Now to what he said:
One of the best things I can do when I feel my attitude drifting toward discouragement is to switch from defense to offense. Instead of sitting around waiting for someone else to encourage me, I try to go on the attack and encourage someone else.
If I’m feeling down because our attendance isn’t where I want it to be, I might call a pastor who is struggling big time in this area, and try to speak increase over his life and ministry.
If I’m hurting because someone I trusted let me down, I may write a short letter of encouragement to someone who I let down in the past. It helps me keep my own imperfection in perspective when I’m upset by the imperfections of others.
If I’m feeling sorry for myself for a vague, unnamed reason, I like to leave encouraging comments on a few random blogs-especially guys’ whose ministries may not receive a lot of attention-and say a short prayer for those guys.
I’ll bet Satan hates this strategy, because in effect, it turns his heaviest artillery against him. And when I venture away from my dilemma for a few minutes to bless someone else, I often find that the discouragement has greatly subsided by the time I return.
Your Church's Reputation.
If we try to be all things to all people, in spite of Paul’s words, we are likely to become nothing to nobody stretched so thin that real accomplishments slip through our fingers. Most churches don’t have the manpower to staff effectively every ministry that can be thought of by human kind. Our communities each have hurting people with needs, but how do we choose which needs are most important? My suggestion is that boards, committees, and impact studies are not the answer. The key to being effective in an outreach area of ministry is to let people in the church who have a heart to fill certain need find others who are like minded. Once there is a core group of people who want to start a ministry, then it doesn’t fall on the shoulders of the pastoral staff to try to coerce people into volunteering for something that a committee decided would be a good idea. All the pastor/pastors need to do at that point is be supportive and if needed get the process going by which some funding from the church’s budget can be used to help finance the ministry. As lay leaders in the church are trained to take charge of areas of ministry it promotes spiritual growth in the leader, the group and reaches out to the community in a way that you as the pastor might never be able to. Letting people know that it isn’t about how many people will join your church because of this new ministry but how many lives will be affected for Jesus Christ is a great step in the right direction. Creating an environment in which people feel free to try something new, perhaps having great success and perhaps failing, is this layman’s view of a great pastor and pastoral staff.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Counting Sheep
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Big Church/Small Church
1. Traditional Small Groups/Home Groups/Cell Groups/Sunday School
2. Accountability Groups
3. Worship team or Choir
4. Drama Group
5. Motorcycle Club
6. Prayer team
7. Church Decorating team
8. Ministry teams – puppet, music, street evangelism…
9. Creativity team – Art, Setting up the Pulpit area for each series the pastor is doing.
10. Event Coordination team – Sets up 4th of July, Septemberfest, Christmas activities etc.
Hopefully this scratched the surface for you and got you thinking about ways to plug people into small groups in your church so that they can build the relationships that smaller churches take for granted.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Reading to stay fresh in your ministry...
Sorry if this was more rambling than usual, but hopefully you take from this that reading is a great way to help you stay fresh in your area of ministry!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Memorize the Playbook?
Five Points of the Church
Before you start beating yourself up and feeling like this is going to be one more thing you read which shows you how or why your ministry is failing, remember the words of Paul in I Corinthians 12: 12 “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body.” You, as a pastor or leader in your church cannot fulfill all of these roles by yourself. WE as the whole body of Christ work together to create the community that is the Body of Believers.
This blog is just a reminder that as we constantly seek to improve our walk with the Lord and to improve our churches we can get back to basics. We can ask ourselves five simple questions that may need more than just simple answers.
1. Am I working to disciple one person?
2. Does my life worship God?
3. How am I ministering to others?
4. Have I spent time with another Christian sharing with them and uplifting them?
5. How have I shared Jesus with someone recently?
Have fun and enjoy serving the Lord!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Accountability Groups
So you think this sounds like a good idea and don’t know how to get started. Here are a couple pointers.
1. Pick people of the same gender! While hanging out with people of the opposite gender is great fun, they make for lousy accountability partners. Men are more open with men, and likewise women are more open with women.
2. Pick people that don’t gossip. Proverbs 20:19 says, “A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much.” (NIV)
3. Set some ground rules. One good one is that what is said in your Accountability group stays in your accountability group. I don’t even share with my wife the things the men in my accountability group share with me.
The following are the questions we use, though feel free to modify them or make up questions of your own that challenge your group in the areas that you and they are struggling with. (Disclaimer: I didn’t come up with these. I hope there is not a copyright on this list of questions. If you are the author; feel free to contact me and I will either give you credit or remove them at your option.)
1. Have you spent daily time in the Scripture and in prayer?
2. Have you had any flirtatious or lustful attitudes, tempting thoughts, or exposed yourself to any explicit materials, which would not glorify God?
3. Have you been completely above reproach in your financial dealings?
4. Have you spent quality relationship time with your family and friends?
5. Have you done your 100 percent best in your job, school, etc.?
6. Have you told any half-truths or outright lies, putting yourself in a better light to those around you?
7. Have you shared the Gospel with an unbeliever this week?
8. Have you taken care of your body through daily physical exercise and proper eating/sleeping habits?
9. Have you allowed any person or circumstance to rob you of your joy?
10. Have you lied to us on any of your answers today?
My personal experience has been that as I grew to know and trust the men in my accountability group, my spiritual walk with the Lord also grew and I learned to trust HIM more too. The first step can be scary, but I highly recommend getting together at a set time and place each week to grow in the Lord with a small group of people with whom you can let your guard down. You will also see great new friendships bloom out of these relationships. Don’t forget to have fun!
Stretching out for the health of the body
This isn’t about reaching down and touching your toes of course, though keeping the physical body in shape is part of God’s plan for each of us. What I am talking about here is stretching your church to reach beyond the walls of your building. For many years, churches across our country seem to have had the attitude that they were there in their buildings waiting for sinners to come through the doors to get saved. Maybe once a year they hold a week of “revival” services and once in a while a potluck dinner and feel that people should come to those events. I heard a quote recently that challenged our church. “If your church went under today, would anyone outside the staff and membership notice it was gone?” I want to challenge you to reach out to your community. You might say, “How? Our church isn’t very big.” OK, it is true that a church of 35 cannot reach its community in ALL the same ways a church of ten thousand can reach its community, but that is not to say that it cannot have an impact. Your church, starting with you, can pick one thing that it thinks it can do well. Here are some ideas for you, but feel free to add comments to this blog to add more ideas as I am but one man with a computer.
1. Block party – A midsize church in my area recently piggy backed onto the city’s 4th of July festival. The church parking lot was on the edge of what the city was doing, so they set up their parking lot with blow up toys, a climbing wall, trampoline, Thomas the Train ride etc. They gave golf cart rides for people from the parking lots that were farther out. (Golf carts provided by members of the church who golf.) They gave away free hotdogs, cotton candy, snow cones, water, sodas etc. (Those things were mostly donated by people in the church.) The result was that thousands and thousands of people came through their parking lot and now know that the church exists in the community. An added bonus is that the next Sunday, there were three or four new families that attended that church.
2. Cleaning something up – maybe there is an elderly person in your area who can’t seem to get the tree cleaned up that fell in the last storm. Instead of griping about why they don’t take care of that tree, volunteer to go cut it up and haul it off for them. Or see if a local city park or an empty lot needs some clean up. (Make sure to track down the right person to get permission from on the empty lot one.) This doesn’t take a huge church, but it can make a huge impact in a person’s life or in the life a community.
3. Find another organization to serve in your community -- One Sunday School class in a church began taking Saturday morning breakfast to a boy’s home to help the staff there have a day off from cooking. What began as simple breakfast led to the members of that class getting more and more involved in the lives of those young men. The class continued to grow closer through the bonds they created through serving. Soon, they were putting together outings to baseball games, days at the farm or the lake, etc. They built a solid reputation with those young men and the people who worked at the boy’s home. (Side note disclaimer: Years ago, I was the Sunday School teacher for that class. Since then, I have gotten married and moved to a new city and new church. They have continued with the ministry without me. Recently one of the boys whose lives they touched walked into the church I am now a part of. The boy who we spent time with is now a young man who is serving the Lord.)
What can your church do? The sky is the limit. These were just three quick ideas. I am sure with some quick brainstorming; you can come up with many more.Have fun!